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“Caraval” by Stephanie Garber • Book Review

Published: 31 January, 2017 by Flatiron Books
Format: Hardcover, 407 pages, English

“Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.”

​★★★★ (4/5) While Caraval couldn't hold a candle to The Night Circus, this was a fun story with mystery, magic, and a great carnival setting that kept me hooked page after page. I look forward to reading the sequel Legendary as soon as I  can get my hands on it!

I loved the magic of it all. It felt really Wonderland-esque. The main thing I didn't like is how much Scarlett cared about what's "proper." Her perspective and overall attitude struck me as of old-school, prude-ish, and just hard for me to connect with. I've looked at several other reviews, and it seems to be a trend that people were annoyed with the narrator's voice. So be forewarned. I'm glad she gained strength in the end, but for being the older sister who always tried to take care of Tella with their abusive father, she played the damsel -in-distress role a little too much for my taste.

"She'd disappeared like a broken star, leaving the world untouched, save for the bits of missing light that no one would ever see again."

Besides my gripe with the narrator's particular POV, the plot really kept me on my toes, and I was very satisfied with the ending. Some might have called the "happy ending" some kind of cop-out, but I thought it fit well with the mystery, the tricks, and the spirit of Caraval. Now, I just want more because of the cliffhanger about their mother!