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“Late to the Party” by Kelly Quindlen • Book Review

Published: 21.April, 2020 by Roaring Book Press
Format: Audiobook, 7 hours

★★ (2 / 5 stars) This book was dissatisfying for me. Everything felt really drawn out when actually not much happened and the stakes were so low. I wish there had been other stakes at play besides just the friendship/romance issues, like trying to get into the right college or the Totes & Goats shop being at risk of closing down or something. It was all-around meh for me.

Even the three main friends we started with did actually end up kissing the people they wanted, and the random stranger they went to meet in Alabama was totally cool. Is this real life? I dunno, I was just displeased with the plot and development of the characters. There just wasn’t a lot to root for here. I wouldn’t recommend this book in particular unless you’re really that bored, and I probably won’t be seeking out more from this author.