“#EntryLevelBoss” by Alexa Shoen • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“#EntryLevelBoss” by Alexa Shoen • Book Review

“There are pretty much only two reasons you’re going to get hired: you can either help save somebody some time or help make somebody some money.”

★★★★★ (5 / 5 stars) I absolutely adored this book. It has all the wonderful makings of a great self-help, with clear, actionable steps and personal stories & examples. But more than that, the book is such a refreshing, modern take on the typical job-search advice.

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“Success Is Easy” by Debbie Allen • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“Success Is Easy” by Debbie Allen • Book Review

★★★★★ (5 / 5 stars) Success Is Easy is the modern Think and Grow Rich with a Debbie Allen twist.

She packs the same punch Napoleon Hill is admired for time and time again—with the added cherry-on-top of her modern approach to “shameless self-promotion” and tackling the imposter syndrome that social media and FOMO has infused into our society.

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“When’s Happy Hour?” by Betches • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“When’s Happy Hour?” by Betches • Book Review

★★★★ (4 / 5) My expectations for Betches’ new book on careers went something like this: “I’ll breeze through it, learn a little, and maybe enjoy some silly satire.”

But When’s Happy Hour? gave me so much more. I laughed out loud at nearly every page and found their scenarios and suggestions extremely real and relatable.

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“Unfiltered” by Jessica Abo • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“Unfiltered” by Jessica Abo • Book Review

“If you can’t imagine your life without something, never stop working for it. No matter where you are in the process, keep your head up.”

★★★★★ (5 / 5 stars) This book isn't just raw, open, and inviting. It is also complete TRUTH. I love how Abo gave real-world examples every step of the way. Some of the worst horror stories of horrible bosses and even worse dates made me feel the most connected to the overall message.

Thank you to Jessica for writing this book, for sharing your story, and for encouraging young women like me to really make their lives their own!!

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“Disrupters” by Dr. Patti Fletcher • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“Disrupters” by Dr. Patti Fletcher • Book Review

“You don't have to follow a traditional career path. You don't have to live by the measure of success as it's defined by society, your family, your friends, your employer, your clients, your ethnic group, or even your own gender.”

★★★★★ (4.8 / 5 stars) This is one of the most inspiring business books I’ve ever read and a particularly great read for women—of any age, race, or profession.

No matter where your life has sat on the spectrum of oppression—from free of discrimination to thoroughly oppressed and ridiculed—you will find a story or nugget of truth that somehow resembles your experience of life as a woman.

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