“Launching While Female” by Susanne Althoff • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“Launching While Female” by Susanne Althoff • Book Review

★★★★ (3.5 / 5 stars) Everything about this book, from the cover to the title to even the subtitle, led me to believe this would be an actionable guidebook for aspiring and active women entrepreneurs. That was simply not the case.

I came away with a lot of information and not a lot of guidance on what to DO with that information other than digest it. If anything, this book has served as a guide to women entrepreneur role models, prominently featuring the women who made it despite the hurdles they faced.

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“Disrupters” by Dr. Patti Fletcher • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“Disrupters” by Dr. Patti Fletcher • Book Review

“You don't have to follow a traditional career path. You don't have to live by the measure of success as it's defined by society, your family, your friends, your employer, your clients, your ethnic group, or even your own gender.”

★★★★★ (4.8 / 5 stars) This is one of the most inspiring business books I’ve ever read and a particularly great read for women—of any age, race, or profession.

No matter where your life has sat on the spectrum of oppression—from free of discrimination to thoroughly oppressed and ridiculed—you will find a story or nugget of truth that somehow resembles your experience of life as a woman.

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