“Eliza and Her Monsters” by Francesca Zappia • Book Review
Young Adult, Contemporary, Owlcrate Danielle Brown Young Adult, Contemporary, Owlcrate Danielle Brown

“Eliza and Her Monsters” by Francesca Zappia • Book Review

“You found me in a constellation.”

★★★★ (4.5 / 5 stars ) I'm usually the type of person who says she devours books. But this book devoured me. To me, this was a whole new contemporary novel.

Basic plot structure felt familiar but everything about the characters and the experiences they went through felt entirely fresh. Here's a breakdown of how this novel made me feel…

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“Ace of Shades” by Amanda Foody • Book Review
Fantasy, Owlcrate, Young Adult Danielle Brown Fantasy, Owlcrate, Young Adult Danielle Brown

“Ace of Shades” by Amanda Foody • Book Review

“People do not play this game to win, my dear. They play this game not to lose.”

★★★★ (4 / 5 stars) All around, I really enjoyed this novel. Foody's captivating descriptions of the City of Sin consumed me as I fell in love with Levi (and the rest of the cast) page by page.

My main qualm with the novel is how prissy Enne started out. Her personality irritated me quite a bit, and while my first thought was, "Why couldn't we have had this story with inverted gender roles?" Enne's arc and growth satisfied me in the end.

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“Alex, Approximately” by Jenn Bennett • Book Review
Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance Danielle Brown Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance Danielle Brown

“Alex, Approximately” by Jenn Bennett • Book Review

“Sometimes you have to endure painful things to realize that you're a whole lot stronger than you think.”

★★★★ (3.8 / 5 stars) Overall, this was a really enjoyable story for me. There were things I really enjoyed about the story and the characters, and the author's writing style felt smooth. But there were still predictable plot points and some elements I wish had been different.

Keep reading if you don't mind spoilers and if you want to see all my thoughts on this Young Adult contemporary novel.

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“Disrupters” by Dr. Patti Fletcher • Book Review
Business Danielle Brown Business Danielle Brown

“Disrupters” by Dr. Patti Fletcher • Book Review

“You don't have to follow a traditional career path. You don't have to live by the measure of success as it's defined by society, your family, your friends, your employer, your clients, your ethnic group, or even your own gender.”

★★★★★ (4.8 / 5 stars) This is one of the most inspiring business books I’ve ever read and a particularly great read for women—of any age, race, or profession.

No matter where your life has sat on the spectrum of oppression—from free of discrimination to thoroughly oppressed and ridiculed—you will find a story or nugget of truth that somehow resembles your experience of life as a woman.

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